We are a small Czech independent publishing house based in Prague. Stories are our passion, and we would love to see our books published worldwide.

For inquiries, please contact our team: info@yactu.cz

If you are interested in buying rights to any of our books, please get in touch with our foreign rights manager: macakovmi@yactu.cz 

Our books

The Age of Spirits by Lenka Polackova

A young maid communicates with spirits which draws the attention of both the elite and the dark forces. 

A historical fantasy novel set in the 19th-century city of Olomouc by Czech novelist Lenka Polačkova (Olmütz).

The book has been published only in Czechia in the Czech language (2023). The rights to the book are available.

Sample chapters in English and more information are available here.

Bookworm's Booked Lives by Hanka Grehova & Medojed

Short comics about the lives of bookworms.

The book has been published only in Czechia in the Czech language (2024). The rights to the book are available.

Sample comics in English and more information are available here.

About us

YA čtu publishing house was established in 2021. We were born out of an Instagram project focusing on young adult and new adult books that brought together readers, authors, editors and illustrators. Our gained popularity led us to embark on a very ambitious project – we decided to publish a novel. Our first release, Alespoň prozatím (At Least for Now) by Amelia Salinger, turned out to be a huge success, and our second book, Stačí mávnout křídly (Just flap your wings) by Sara Topinkova, became our first bestselling novel. Since then, we have also published Snad jednou (Maybe One Day), Z pera knihomolů (Written by Readers) and Věk přízraků (The Age of Spirits). As a small and independent publishing house, we only produce a few books a year, with the aim of making each one as perfect as possible. Our dream is to see our books in bookstores all over the world.

YA čtu in Czech is pronounced as "já čtu", which means "I read". 


E-mail: info@yactu.cz

Address: YA čtu s.r.o., Miloše Havla 1246/3, Hlubočepy, 152 00 Praha 5, Czechia
